4th YEAR

1-6 Months

Wow! I am now 3.5 years old! I am a big boy! Now I can confidently say that I AM SPEAKING,
as I can verbally explain everything that I want. I speak Russian and know many words in English. I
can count in both languages to 15.  I know already almost the entire Russian alphabet.

I like to listen when somebody reads to me, and I recognize familiar stories.  I can also repeat some 

On October 8, 2004 (age 3 years, 3 months, and 24 days) my grandpa Peter recorded when I was 
teaching my grandma how to play with my railroad. You can click here and hear this lesson. I am very
comfortable using the phone, taking and placing the calls, and leaving messages. I started using the 
computer. I like to help my grandma watering flowers on her balcony.

I became stronger and started to attend sport classes.

My height is 40 inches (1.016 m), and my weight is 34 lbs (15.4 kg).

7-12 Months

Finally I am four!!!

The time when I could not explain myself is left behind. I speak fluent Russian and very little English.  I listen to fairy tales on TV that broadcast in English. I know English alphabet and can pronounce all letters correctly. I know opposites, for example, black-white, long-short, forward-back, etc.

I can count to 30 forward and from 10 to 1 backwards. I can recognize what number is greater, recognize different shapes, for example, circle, square, rectangle. I know names of seven days of the week, four parts of the day, four season of the year.

My height is 41 and ¼ inches (1.048m), and my weight is 34 lbs (15.4 kg).



1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

5th Year 6th Year 7th Year 8th Year


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Last Updated: June 20, 2008